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Monday 4 March 2013

OOTD!-March 4, 2013

Hi Everyone!:)

I hope you all are having a good morning! I'm actually still at home, and I'm going back to uni in a few hours, so I thought I would show you what I'm wearing. Today's Monday, and I'm feeling really tired and lazy :P My little sister came into my room and told me to wear something else (than what I'm about to show you), because she's tired of seeing me in that sweater. Honestly though, I love it and ain't nobody got the time fo changing :p Anyways, this is a really casual outfit, and it's basically the kind of thing that I wear at Uni throughout the week!

I really like this hoodie, because the material is really thick and comfy. Also, the pattern on the hoodie is so cute, it reminds me on a confetti cupcake! This might sound weird  but I also love the buttons on this, they're so different because of how they're white metal, with grey writing on top. I didn't show you guys a purse or anything, because I'm going to be wearing a backpack and I'm pretty sure you don't want to see a huge, thing that weighs like 10 kg.

Hoodie: American Eagle Outfitters-$30.00
Purple Tank: Garage-$10.00
Jeans: Garage-$15.00
Necklace: Claire's-$12.00
Watch: Gift from Aldo (My sister told me that it costs $35.00, in case you wanted to know!)
Shoes: Converse-$50.00

I hope you guys enjoyed this post, I know it wasn't the most exciting outfit, but it's what I'm wearing today! I would love it if you commented letting me know how you liked this!

Image is from here.


  1. Hi, I'm so glad that I've found your blog from Elle and Blair, I love it.
    I've never seen this way of an OOTF done before, It's my new favorite and I'm going to start doing it!
    Also, I have a blog too..

    1. Hey! :) thank you! and you should totally do it :)
      and I'll check out your blog right now!

  2. Hi! Im form Ecuador and this is a gret outfit for a rainy day.
    Visit and like my fanpage plis

    1. Hi! :) thank you! and I'll definitely check it out!
