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Wednesday 20 February 2013

Current Trends!

Hey Guys!
I hope you all are having a good morning :) I am determined to do at least one OOTD post today, but while I'm still waking up I thought I would talk about some current trends that I have noticed while shopping recently. I own at least one article of clothing that falls under each of these trends, so I guess you could say I jump on the bandwagon pretty fast!

1. Skulls:
I have been noticing this trend in many of the stores that I shop in, such as H&M, Garage and Forever 21. Normally, I'm not into the idea of skulls because my style is a little girlier. However, skulls have come back with a sort of twist. Instead of a big graphic skull in the middle of a t-shirt, I have seen skulls made out crochet, or lace to give it a sweet edge. I have also noticed small skull studs on sweatshirts, so you can't even notice that there are studs unless you look really close!

(I own this shirt too!)

2. Military Inspired Clothing

The camo print has made a HUGE comeback over the past month. There is not one store I that shop at that doesn't have camp printed clothing or something that is military inspired. American Eagle Outfitters, Garage and H&M are few examples of the many stores that are following this trend. Personally, I love the idea of wearing an over-sized camo shirt, with jeggings and combat boots! It's such a relaxing and comfortable outfit, but it's cute and on-trend at the same time!

3. Velvet
Now, this has been the most surprising trend to make a come back in my opinion. A few months ago, in October, my aunt came to visit my family. When she was giving everyone presents, she said she was really excited to give me mine. It turned out to be a light blue velvet shirt with some embellishments along the collar.  I took one look at the shirt and decided it was going to end up in my 'never gonna wear that' pile. So you can imagine my shock when I saw velvet in many stores. I first saw it in Topshop when I when to the mall with my cousin, but since then it has been in many stores.

4. Tie-Front Shirts
This trend is probably my favourite trend. I love you a top can instantly be transformed just by adding a single knot in the front. This type of shirt is totally cute and can be dressed up or down. I first noticed these shirts when I was shopping online on Forever21, but when I saw them in the mall I knew that I had to get one!

I hope you guys found this post helpful, and please let me know what your favourite trend is in the comments below! I hope everyone has a great day :)


(Haha, I LOVE cake!)

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