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Instagram: NidLid786

Thursday 14 February 2013

New Beginnings

Hi Everyone!
My name is Nida and I've decided to start a blog on Fashion, Make-Up, and other things that interest me such as music, TV shows and food! I've been thinking about making a YouTube Channel, where I talk about  all these topics, but I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea of making videos yet. So I thought that starting a blog would a great start, and I'll see what happens from there. The idea of my blog is to show my outfits of the day, (or OOTD's as they are commonly referred to), talk about any recent purchases that I have made, reviews on products that I like/don't like and posts about anything else that I think you guys might find interesting. One of my New Years resolutions this year was to get out there and do something with my spare time. I'm really excited about this, and I hope it turns out good! :)


P.S. I thought it would be cool to end off each blog post with a quote :)


  1. I think this sounds like a good idea, and when you do get comfortable about making YouTube videos, I will watch. You sound like a nice girl, and I just read your favorite YouTube list as well, and I found that we almost got the same list ♥

    1. Aww, thank you so much! Let me know if there are other YouTuber's I should be watching! :P
