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Thursday 14 February 2013

My Favourite YouTubers!

Hey Guys,
So, right now its nighttime and I really wanted to do a few OOTD posts, however the lighting in my room is so bad that the colours of the clothing would be completely butchered. So, I thought I would do a blog post on my favourite You-Tubers, because these people inspire me whenever I'm shopping, or putting outfits together. This might be a long list, but hopefully its helpful :).

StilaBabe09 is a You-tuber who I recently discovered through another You-tuber named 'MissGlamorazzi' (I'll talk about her later!). Her real name is Meredith Foster and I think she is literally the cutest person ever. When I first started watching her, I got addicted, and spent two days straight just watching all of her videos. I love watching Meredith's videos because she's funny, really entertaining, down-to-earth and she has a great sense of style. Whenever I want to look girly, have a laid-back OOTD, or just want to look cute, I always think about Meredith's outfits. My favourite videos are actually videos where she shows various outfits that she has worn throughout a certain week.

This video is one of my favourite videos :)

MissGlamorazzi, or Ingrid is another You-tuber who I love to watch. I love her videos because they are really informative and helpful and I always find myself watching her hauls and reviews on products because I genuinely think they help me out when I'm shopping for myself. Not only is Ingrid gorgeous, she has an amazing personality and she seems so down-to-earth its ridiculous. Ingrid's style is also amazing and I love how she posts outfits that are fancy and outfits that are really chill. Not only is her fashion channel great, I love watching her vlog channel called 'TheGridMonster'. Ingrid and her boyfriend are so cute together, it makes me want to be in a relationship like them!

MacBarbie07, or Bethany Mota is another You-Tuber who I recently discovered. Bethany has such a bubbly, open personality that she just makes you want to watch her videos. In terms of her style, I love it, but she wears clothing items that I wouldn't really wear myself. So, what I like to watch are her haul videos and her styling videos. She makes really amazing videos on how to do make-up, hair, and how to create outfits like a certain celebrity. She also has a killer collection of graphic t-shirts, I want them all! 

I think this video is super cute, and she did it based on one of my new favourite shows!

JuicyStar07, or Blair Fowler is the reason I started watching YouTube fashion videos in the first place. I remember seeing a feature on her in 'Seventeen' magazine and I immediately loved her tips and I thought she was so pretty. Blair also has a really bubbly, open personality and I just like watching her videos because she's really entertaining. She doesn't post as many hauls as she used to, but her make-up looks are fun to watch and she always looks poised and polished! I really enjoy watching her vlog channel as well, and its called 'OtherJuicyStar07'. Her life is so interesting it makes mine seem incredibly dull LOL. It's funny because whenever I watch her videos, my mom and my sister are always asking me how I can understand her because she talks really fast, but you get used to it.

I wish I had her hair!

AllThatGlitters21, or Elle Fowler is Blair Fowler's older sister. At first, I didn't really enjoy watching her videos, but Elle has an amazing sense of style, which is what drew me in. Elle's room is so gorgeous, I just sit there and wish I had a room like that. She has a very romantic, elegant sense of style that's reflected in her room and I love that. In fact, I'm planning on doing an extreme-bedroom make-over and I'm taking inspiration from Elle's room. Apart from her room, Elle is funny, I like her suggestions and she has a different vibe from her sister.

ThePersianBabe, or Barbara is one of my favourite people ever. She seems so sweet and shes so different from everyone else that I watch. Everyone who I have previously mentioned all live in California and so there style is kind of similar. However, Barbara has such a unique way of putting outfits together that it makes me want to so the same! Barbara takes chances in clothing, she doesn't care about what anyone thinks of her and I love that. She's also inspired me to go off the tracks and buy clothing that isn't necessarily in my size once in a while, just to mix it up and for layering purposes. She is absolutely gorgeous, and I would love to meet her one day.

Last, but not least is DulceCandy87. I actually started watching her videos because my cousin said that Dulce reminded her of my younger sister, who is 9 years old. By the way, it didn't make sense at all because they're completely different, but whatever LOL. I feel like I'm being redundant, but she has such a great sense of style that I'm constantly inspired. Her make-up tutorials are a little out there, just because she uses a TON of products and there is no way I have the money to buy like 6 different MAC brushes. Either way, she has a good idea for clothes and jewelry and I'm constantly on her website looking at her OOTD's.

Anyways, that is the end of my favourite list of YouTuber'. I love them all and I will continue to keep watching them!


Hope everyone had a lovely day!


  1. Hi! I saw your blog link on Elle and Blair's site and i really like it!! but how do i follow?? Also, would you mind checking mine out!?? I would really appreciate it! <3 keep up the posts I love them!

  2. Hi, I would love to check your blog out :) And thank you so much! I actually don't know how to make it so I can have followers, so I would really appreciate it if you could let me know? Thanks!

  3. You should also watch bubzbeauty! :)

    1. Sorry for the late reply! Thanks for letting me know, I just started watching one of her videos! :)
